Friends today and friends forever, the Causse Comtal offers you its exclusive loyalty programs that allows you to enjoy many benefits!
Discounts on our restaurants, spas and accommodations, access to our facilities and sponsorship offers.
Don't wait any longer and join our club as soon as possible!
Become a member of the Causse Comtal Club
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Download the "WeThankYou" app and enter the code
Become a member of Club du Causse Comtal and enjoy exclusive benefits:
Each time you visit one of our restaurants, La Cazelle or La Cazelle Express , get on your personal pot 4% of the amount of your bills , to be used during the next visit, as soon as you have saved at least 5 € .
Invite your friends and get 4€ on your personal pot on your first visit to one of our restaurants. After that, 25% of their personal pot will be automatically transferred to yours!
Keep up to date with all transactions, discounts and events in our hotel with built-in news and mobile alerts that can be turned off at any time.
As a club member, you can access our leisure facilities (pools, outdoor areas, etc.) that are normally reserved for hotel guests at a discounted rate!